Thursday, August 20, 2009

SnapShots on Vacation

I had a fabulous time with my sweetie in Virginia! I was also able to meet up with an old friend and even found time to take a few photos!


Drawn to The Sea said...

Are those Chincoteague ponies? I wonder how many times I read "Misty" when I was little?

Lenore said...

Lovely and interesting photos.....hope you had a great vacation.

Cottage In The Sun said...

Yes! They are Chincoteague ponies! It only took me 30 years to be able to see them in person. :) Misty was one of my favorite books!

The Catnap Cottage said...

Such lovely photos!! Glad you had a good time and thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Wow - you have the gift of photography! awesome pics! Enjoyed having you here! Come again!

Anonymous said...

I love visiting the Chincoteague ponies. Beautiful area - great shots!