Front Page - I'm so excited!

My Etsy friend Anakim - isn't her jewelry amazing! -

makes such gorgeous treasuries and I'm always thrilled when she finds one of my photos good enough to include. (I wish one of my treasuries that include her would make FP so I could repay!)
As luck would have it, I changed my photo after she created the treasury - I didn't actually see the front page, and don't know which photo was used, so I hope it didn't ruin the look.

Congrats on the frontpage - that so great. And that treaury is really beautiful. Hope you gets lot sof exposure.
Congrats! So glad that you made front page! Hope it results in tons and tons of sales! Oh, and your friends jewely is awesome!!
Congrats!! I just missed seeing it too, dangit! Glad you found a pic of the treasury to share, it's really great and I can see why it made the FP! Your gorgeous star looks great in there too, the "starring attraction"! haha
Smiles, Karen
Oh, congratulations Annette! Wish I had seen it, it's a beautiful treasury!
Happy Saturday!
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